Energy Efficiency
We help our clients identify opportunities to save energy and lower operating costs. Our experts understand how to leverage utility incentive programs, grants, and C-PACE funding to offset the cost of making energy-saving upgrades to your facilities. We can provide:
Energy audits
LED lighting, HVAC controls, and refrigeration upgrades
Utility energy efficiency incentive consulting
Grant application writing
Benchmarking: Recognized Data Verifier for Montgomery County, MD
Philadelphia C-PACE: Qualified Engineering Professional
Currently providing utility incentive consulting, application preparation, and grant writing for PA businesses. In 2020, acquired over $300,000 in utility rebates/ grant money.
Provided energy engineering consulting services to a grocery store. Determined the best lighting and refrigeration upgrades. Prepared utility incentive applications and grant applications. The out of pocket cost was only 20%.
Provided professional engineering services for data verification of benchmarking for a contractor for multiple commercial sites in Montgomery County, MD. Provided Professional Engineering sign-off as required by law.
Managed a Maryland utility's Commercial and Industrial Energy Efficiency programs. Helped facilities to identify energy efficiency opportunities. Achieved over 70,000 MWh of energy savings in the Small Business, Prescriptive, and Custom programs, while coming in under budget.
Prepared a competitive energy efficiency grant application for an LED lighting upgrade for a facility in MD. The grant was awarded, and covered half of the equipment cost (over $10,000).